If you’re starting a business, there are more then a few abbreviations you’ll need to remember. Filing a DBA application, or applying for an EIN, are two common steps for new business owners. However, they are not the same thing, and as a business owner you should know the difference. There are several differences when comparing DBA vs. EIN that we explore in more detail below.

DBA vs. EIN in Depth

DBA is an abbreviation for ‘doing business as’; it is also sometimes called a fictitious business name. There are two instances when DBA application filing would be required:

  1. Sole proprietors or general partnerships conducting business with a name that differs from the owner/s given name
  2. Corporations or limited liability companies (LLC) operating a business with a name that differs from the name of the company or the LLC

Not all businesses will need to file a DBA, but it’s important to know which circumstances require DBA application filing to ensure your business operates above board.

EIN is an abbreviation for Employer Identification Number. This federal tax ID number is used by the Internal Revenue Service to identify and track the tax obligations of various legal entities. This nine-digit code is like a social security number for your business, and should be protected.

EIN’s are required for all corporations and partnerships, in addition to any business that seeks to hire employees, open accounts in the name of the business, apply for credit, or state or local permits.

Apply for EIN Online Today!

There are lots of ways to complete filing requirements for your business, but the fastest and easiest way is to apply online.

Remember, there are few similarities when comparing DBA vs. EIN, but Gov Doc Filing makes filing for both an easy process.

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