
Square Review 2025: Is it Right for your Business?

While there are various payment processing solutions, Square is a top choice for businesses of all sizes. Founded in 2009, Square has gained massive…

single member llc vs multi member llc

Single-Member LLC vs. Multi-Member LLC: How to Choose in 2025

Are you about to start a business and you’re faced with the single-member LLC vs. multi-member LLC dilemma? The decision can be tricky no doubt, as…

Difference Between a Business Name vs. Trade Name

Business Legal Name vs. Trade Name: Key Differences (2025)

Business legal name vs. trade name: What’s the difference between the two? Which one should you use? Can you use both? These are common questions you…

how to start a virtual bookkeeping business

How to Start a Virtual Bookkeeping Business: 13 Steps (2025 Guide)

Are you dreaming of being your own boss, or maybe you’re just looking for a profitable side gig to boost your income? Starting a virtual bookkeeping…

Sole Proprietorship vs S Corp: Pros & Cons of Each

For many entrepreneurs, the business formation option comes down to Sole Proprietorship vs S Corp. Sole Proprietorships offer an easy way to get a…

Freelancers LLC

Freelance LLC Guide: Everything You Should Know in 2025

The U.S. freelance industry has reached an all-time high, with 64 million Americans engaging in freelance work in the past year. This represents 38%…

legal documents for startups

The Top 19 Essential Legal Documents for Startups in 2025

Launching a startup is an adventure that’s not only filled with opportunities but also challenges. As a new business owner, you need to handle many…


Sole Proprietorship vs Partnership: How Are They Different?

The Sole Proprietorship vs Partnership dilemma is one most small businesses face when trying to decide how to structure their companies. Imagine…

What Is a Tax ID? Entrepreneur’s Guide to Employer’s Tax ID

What is a tax ID number? It’s essentially the business equivalent of a Social Security Number (SSN). Just as every person born in the United States…


9 Important Legal Requirements for Starting a Small Business

As a budding entrepreneur, you can’t ignore the legal requirements for starting a small business. You need to ensure that you are authorized to…